Our School History.
HT Willian Burt opened the Deans Marsh Primary State School, located beside the Lorne Road in 1875.
The land for the school was made available by Robert Bell and the original building stood on the northern corner of the present school grounds.
Pictured below, the orginal classroom was 24ft x 16ft and two rooms were attached for the teacher’s residence. At first, the roof was shingles and it was unpainted.
First State School errected in Deans Marsh about 1870.
In 1942 a new timber building replaced the original structure which was demolished. Additions were made of a classroom in 1957, office and staffroom in 1964.
From here forward the school has continued to have grown and thrived with attendance numbers fluctuating between 50 - 70 students.
Further information about the school and Deans Marsh townships’ history can be found in our school entrance hall, along with artifacts found over the past hundred years.